This Error Code occurs when players are trying to move their Pokemon to Home. This is obviously quite tedious for players than have spent months and years building up their Pokemon collection. Today, we will discuss the Pokemon Home Error Code 10015 and how to fix it.

What Is Pokemon Home Error Code 10015?

As we explained above, the Error Code occurs when players are trying to move their Pokemon to Home. However, there is a pattern behind the Error code and it does not just occur randomly. As per the information available right now, Error Code 10015 occurs when players try to move in a hacked Pokemon or bad eggs. The Error has become worse after the recent update to Pokemon Home. A lot of players are experiencing difficulty saving. So, is there a way to fix the Pokemon Home Error Code? Let us find out below.

How To Fix Pokemon Home Error Code 10015?

There is not a lot that players can do at the moment to get past the error code. However, using profiles that do not have any hacked Pokemon or bad eggs will solve the problem for players. With such profiles players will be able to move their Pokemon to and forth from Home and games without trouble. It is possible that the new update has flagged a few profiles for hacked Pokemon. If this solution does not work for players, they should connect with Nintendo by sending a support ticket. This could help in the resolution of the problem for players. This solution is only for players that do not have any hacked Pokemon or bad eggs in their profile. That is how players can fix this Pokemon Home Error Code. For more Pokemon troubleshooting content, check out How To Fix ‘Unable To Authenticate’ Error In Pokemon Go